Ancient knowledge
Modern living
Feel inspired by rich Knowledge
Basics of Hinduism - Free
While tracing the origins of Hinduism, we will unpack the seeming complexity of Hinduism’s multiple philosophies, scriptures, and deities, all the while contrasting and comparing certain key elements to the other world religions.
Swami Revatikanta | 8 Lessons + Reading material + Quizzes | 2:15 hours
GET STARTED FOR FREEBasics of Vaishnavism - Free
Vaishnavism is the branch of Hinduism practiced in Bhakti Marga. By the end of the course you will understand philosophy and practices of Vaishnavism. It is recommended that you take the Basics of Hinduism course before taking this one.
Swami Revatikanta | 6 Lessons + Reading material + Quizzes | 1 hour
GET STARTED FOR FREEBhagavad Gita Course - Level 1 - Free
We will define the Bhagavad Gita‘s position within Bhakti Marga and Hinduism as a whole. Topics such as the nature of the self, karma, yoga, bhakti and God will be precisely defined in such a way that everyone can easily understand.
Swami Revatikanta | 20 Lessons + Reading material + Quizzes | 3+ hours
GET STARTED FOR FREEDevotee Course - Free
This course is a prerequisite for aspiring followers of Paramahamsa Vishwananda to receive formal initiation into the Hari Bhakta Sampradāya. It is both extensive and yet at an appropriate level of complexity and depth for its intended audience.
Swami Revatikanta | 12 Lessons + Reading material + Quizzes | 5+ hours
Essential Scriptures - Free
The Essential Scriptures course aims to present the most important scriptures in Bhakti Marga in a concise and introductory manner, acting as a perfect foundation for your future in-depth studies.
5 Lessons + Quizzes | 2+ hours
GET STARTED FOR FREEImmerse yourself in Devotional Arts

Sri Yantra Painting Meditation – Introductory Course
In this course, Swamini Dakshini takes you on an inner journey with the Sri Yantra. For almost 2 hours, by the end of which you will have painted your own unique Sri Yantra.
Swamini Dakshini | Topic: Introducing Sri Yantra
Sri Yantra Painting Meditation – In Depth
Swamini Dakshini takes you on an inner journey with the Sri Yantra in this video course. You will receive sacred knowledge and have painted your own Sri Yantra with an unique painting meditation.
Swamini Dakshini | Topic: In-Depth Sri Yantra
Drawing Course - Level 1
Drawing is meditation and the best form to meditate on is the form of the guru. Not only will you focus on Guruji’s form but you will also learn and hone techniques of portrait drawing.
Murali Das | Topic: Recreating photograph of Guruji | 1:45 hour
GET STARTEDManjīrā Course - Level 1
In this course, you will learn how to hold the manjira correctly and at which points to hit the manjira in order to create different sounds. You will also learn the most important beats used in kirtan as well as the variation of those beats..
Bhavani | Video modules + Written beats | 20 min
Manjīrā Course - Level 2
The big manjīrā, known as whompers, are a powerful and very audiable contributor to the sound of Kirtan, which is why it is very important to firstly be proficient in the basic manjīrā workshop module.
Bhavani | Video modules + Written beats | 15 min
GET STARTEDFeel inspired by ancient Rituals

Simple Puja Course
The beauty of the Vaishnava path is the myriad ways to focus on God as the worthy object of worship, adoration and love. The Simple Puja ritual brings together intention and offerings to fix the mind on the One who is within and beyond everything.
Swami Keshava | Videos covering 35 steps of puja | 3 hours
GET STARTEDVedic Chanting Course - Level 1
Sanskrit is the expression of the spiritual realm, a vibrational language which has the power to change thought waves as well as your environment. This course will change the way you relate to Sanskrit and the ancient culture of Sanatana-dharma.
Vandhana | Video modules + Reading material + Guided practice | 2 hours
Bhagavad Gita Chanting Course
In this course you can hear audio chanting of the Bhagavad Gita, verse-by-verse and chapter-by-chapter, helping you to sharpen your skills in reading and chanting IAST script and immediately benefitting from the focused, liturgical chanting.
Vandhana | Audio recordings + Written material | 3 hours
Essential Mantras
Welcome to the Essential Mantras course. In this course, you will learn the most important mantras a Bhakti Marga devotee needs to know! These mantras will serve as tools for your everyday transformation, serving a variety of purposes in your life.
Audios and texts of the main Hari Bhakta Sampradaya mantras | 1 hour